Tips For Caregiver's

People with Alzheimer's disease frequently become more disoriented after dark or when waking. Leaving a night-light on in the bedroom may be helpful.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

These Boots Are Made For Walking...

Last Friday, July 13, 2007, Mike coerced Muddear into taking a walk. As I am sure you can guess this was a major ordeal. Muddear has developed an unnatural attachment to her bedroom. She never wants to leave it - not for dinner, not to socialize, not for any reason whatsoever. (Except using the bathroom and at times even that is questionable.) I do not understand this attachment or why she has it. Perhaps there is comfort in the known environment and fear of the unknown world outside of her room. Perhaps it is the journey down the stairs from her second floor bedroom to the main floor - she is afraid of the stairs. I have even wondered if at times Muddear becomes a little depressed - a common effect of Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Needless to say, while preparing dinner, I was so excited to hear Mike tell Muddear...

"Remember our conversation earlier today?"
"Yes, I do." (Whether she did or did not we will never know.)
"Good, because it is time for our walk."

Of course, Muddear began protesting this outing by detailing the usual objections - "It's too hot. I'm allergic to the sun. I'm allergic to grass. I don't like outside." However, Mike was determined to win this battle and within minutes, he whisked Muddear out the front door.

Amazingly, Muddear turned into "Chatty Patty" and was full of smiles. Upon entering the house, it was great to hear Muddear thank Mike for taking her on such a nice walk.

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